I am going to try again. I can't seem to keep up with this. LD keeps me busy, work keeps me busy, life keeps me busy. But I want to be able to look back and have a record of life with my little dude.
Ritchie is 2 now. And he is in the throes of learning who he is, what life is about, and what his boundaries are. It's so much fun and so exhausting at the same time.
Ritchie can say his ABC's, count to 10 easily and 20 with some help. He knows about 6 or 7 colors. He talks up a storm. He asks questions and can carry on a simple conversation. He has memorized two of his books and will "read" them back to you.
He can hop, jump, kick, and throw. He like to do "yogurt" with mommy. He gets on my YOGA mat and does down dog, head to knee pose, and he tried cat & cow yesterday. Mostly he likes to crawl in and out of my legs while I do it...or he likes to lay on my bolsters.
At our two year pediatrician appointment, Ritchie was 34inches tall and weighed just shy of 27lbs. So he's still a little dude...he's in the 26th & 27th percentile for height & weight.